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Masters Dissertation

Product Design

Design Against Arsenic -

Arsenic Detection Kit

The Project was undertaken with collaboration and under the supervision of the Partner company Palintest Ltd and Lancaster University. The project was outlined as to a revision of one of Palintests current products, the Arsenator. The brief was to conduct a complete review and analysis of the  product and to research and develop new strategies and approaches to marketing and development of a new range of chemical testing kits.  
The Dissertation, was an extended research potential for me to understand the ramifications of chemical poising in developing countries and to allow me develop my skills in specializing myself more in the field of “Design for Developing Countries”, a field I have particular interest in.

My Dissertation received a Distinction and commendable reviews by staff members of the University of Lancaster. 
The feedback from the company was extremely positive and helped highlight key areas of future development, not only for the Arsenator, but for many other of Palintests Products. 

“A Study of the Issues of Arsenic Contamination, Designing for Developing Countries, and the application of User-Centred Design to determine new Approaches, Strategies and Product Design Criteria”


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Company Project:  
- Identifying company needs 
- Summarize Problem Scope  
- Full Product Analysis 
- Target Market Analysis 
- PESTLE Analysis 
- Product Design Specifications 
- Ideation and Conceptualization  
- Manufacturing and Material Specification

- Health and Safety Information and 
Legislation Analysis Development 
- Packaging and Branding Design 
- Future Trends Analysis 
- Specialist NGO Development 
- Sales and Economic Predictions
- Competitor Analysis
- User-Centered Design Practices 


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